Forums / General / Running ez in farsi

Running ez in farsi

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Negin Javadi

Sunday 23 January 2005 3:29:36 am

I'm using ez 3.5,I have made a new translation (persian) and changed the characterset in "site.ini","","template.ini" to "utf-8" most parts of the site work correctly but there are still some problems I prefered to show them in this picture( words in the page title(number 1 in the picture)in the top menu(number 2 in the picture) and in the path(number 3 in the picture) appeare in a wrong way I don't know what to do about this could anyone help me please


Balazs Halasy

Monday 24 January 2005 12:09:09 am

Please do not cross-post your questions.


Jack Rackham

Monday 24 January 2005 2:41:36 pm

Try to compare your Persian translation with a other non western translation (like Russian). Maybe you can solve your problem this way.