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RSS issues

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Ivan Švogor

Tuesday 28 December 2010 6:29:01 am


I have custom template that shows news (custom classes). I can't get the rss to work. The fetch function:

 {def $rss_export = fetch( 'rss', 'export_by_node', hash( 'node_id', $node.node_id ) )}

It results with nothing. Trough the admin panel->rss I've created an rss for this node, but it asked me for class. Becouse this fetch function returns nothinig, I suppose there must be a way to point it to the right class (somewhere in .ini). Can someone tell me where is the catch?

(also, when logged in, in frontend, for some nodes I have the RSS icon on the administrator toolbox, on other I don't, and I can'f find out why)

Ivan Švogor

Tuesday 28 December 2010 7:13:49 am

I figured it out... site.ini.append.php :)