Forums / General / Restricting admin siteaccess to some roles?

Restricting admin siteaccess to some roles?

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Marc Gibert

Monday 28 February 2005 10:22:53 am


Probably this has been aswered before, but I can't find it in the forums. My site is an intranet, and everyone has to login. The problem is that if they find out what url of the admin siteaccess is (quite easy), they can enter and browse the site within the administration interface.

Obviously, they can't make any changes, so permissions are working right but I would like to restrict the whole admin siteaccess to some roles. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 28 February 2005 1:10:41 pm

Module: user
Function: login
Limitations: SiteAccess( your_users_view )

I hope this help

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Marc Gibert

Tuesday 01 March 2005 1:04:24 am

Sorry, I don't quite understant your answer.

Currently I have 3 roles:

- Normal user
- Intranet publisher
- Intranet admin

And 2 siteaccess:

- intranet
- administration

Everyone has to login to access either intranet or administration, but I'd like to restrict access to administration to only the publisher and admin roles.

Any help?

Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 01 March 2005 1:48:50 am

Hi Marc,

Try add this new policy for "Normal user"
Choose module "user" then click "Grant access to one function". Next choose function "login" and click "Grant limited access". Then choose intranet siteaccess. Sice now "Normal user" can`t login to "administration". I hope this help you.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->