Forums / General / Registration working but main_node_id seems to miss

Registration working but main_node_id seems to miss

Author Message

Thomas Parisot

Wednesday 04 February 2009 8:56:45 am


I'm using eZ Publish since a month now and I'm testing registration.
It is the default registration form without any modification.

Here are the steps I follow:
* I fill the fields of /user/register
* I submit the form
* I have a confirmation screen which tells me to check my mails
* I read the confirmation email BUT I have this :

Thank you for registering at ###.

Your account information
Username: ###
Email: ###
Password: ###

Click the following URL to confirm your account

Link to user information:

I looked inside the template registrationinfo.tpl and I see :

{let site_url=ezini('SiteSettings','SiteURL')}
{set-block scope=root variable=subject}{'%1 registration info'|i18n('design/standard/user/register',,array($site_url))}{/set-block}
{'Thank you for registering at %siteurl.'|i18n('design/standard/user/register',,hash('%siteurl',$site_url))}

{'Your account information'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}
{'Username'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}: {$user.login}
{'Email'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}: {$}

{section show=$password}
{'Password'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}: {$password}

{section show=and( is_set( $hash ), $hash )}

{'Click the following URL to confirm your account'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}
http://{$hostname}{concat( 'user/activate/', $hash, '/', $object.main_node_id )|ezurl(no)}


{'Link to user information'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}:


It is as if the main_node_id was null.
I digged to register.php and dumped data from $object var and it appears that MainNodeId is null despite the "ID" attribute is fulled.

So in fact the problem is :
* people can register
* people can't confirm their account
* people can't connect to the application

I really don't see where the problem comes from: the object is created ... but not well enough?

Thanks for your help