Forums / General / Question about show children

Question about show children

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Heiner Wurbs

Friday 20 May 2005 1:10:35 am


I do not understand the functionality of the "Show children" check box on folders. There is no difference, if I check it or not.

Can someone explain this?


kracker (the)

Friday 20 May 2005 1:19:07 am


You would only notice a difference if the item you enabled show children on had child items.

For example a folder with a several child articles inside. If you had show children enabled, your user templates (at least the default templates) would display a list of the child items when viewing the parent folder.


nothing left to quip ...

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Heiner Wurbs

Friday 20 May 2005 1:45:44 am

Thanks Kracker for your fast reply.

But, I have the main folder in a plain installation, and there I have one "sub"-folder. in the main folder I disabled the show children of the main folder, but I'm still seeing the child folder.

The plain system displays everything: folders and articles.

Doese this feature really works??

kracker (the)

Friday 20 May 2005 1:54:08 am

To be sure, the feature works quite well, but you don't have to take my word for it, it's only been v3.0 -> v 3.6.

It is your installation that is suspect I'm afraid.

Be sure to clear all of your cache?


<i>Them (Dose-One, Jel) - Another Part of the Clown's Brain</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Heiner Wurbs

Friday 20 May 2005 3:21:07 am

well, okey, maybe its my windows installation. the cache is fine, the version is the newest available 3.5.2 and even, thats by the way really great, the hide and reveal works: but not the show children ...


Xavier Dutoit

Friday 20 May 2005 4:54:51 am


The show children feature isn't something "hardcoded" into ez, that's just a convention.

The plain template doesn't take into account that flag, as the base does. have a look at design/base/override/templates/full/folder.tpl (the one that hide children). Copy it to your plain layout if you want this behavior.

kracker (the)

Friday 20 May 2005 5:27:21 am

Ahh, I was wondering about that.

Cool, now I know!

And knowledge is power :)


Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Heiner Wurbs

Friday 20 May 2005 5:55:18 am

right, I got it now too:


{section show=$node.object.data_map.show_children.content}
<p>Show Children = yes</p>
<p>Show Children = no</p>

Ok, its not hardcoded, and its good to know, because it looks like a system behaviour.

Thanks for your help!
Nice day,