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Publishing bug

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Thursday 12 July 2007 6:23:00 am

Hey everyone!
I am a beginner and i got a question that might be very simple but somehow i can't find the answer:

When i am working on my site I noticed that when I am trying to post a new article or any other class except a folder i can't show the results to the user. It seems to appear in the system but in the site it self it is missing! When I edit an already exsiting article it is shown perfectly (after clearing the cash), but creating a new page is impossible.

Do you have any idea how to fix this problem?



André R.

Thursday 12 July 2007 10:03:51 am

Do you have a clean install or a changed one?
If you have, what?

When you say can't see on site, do you mean in the menu ?
And site is frontpage only or also in admin interface?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE


Thursday 12 July 2007 1:13:37 pm

The install is not clean. There was a previous programmer who worked with the system, and I have no idea what he was doing.

When I say it doesn't appear in the site I mean that I can't find it -neither in the menu nor by writing the node number/object number in the address line of explorer. It always writes an error message that the page wasn't found.

There is an admin page.

Thanks for your help