Forums / General / Publish on date?

Publish on date?

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Marco Zinn

Saturday 20 November 2004 5:16:59 am

in ez2, you could publish/unpublish articles by date.
I'm looking for a way to _publish_ articles, based on a date. This will be an "online christmas calender", where we want to publish one article each day at midnight ;) Last year, this was done in ez2 and worked fine.

Is there a way to do this in ez 3.4? The only things, that i found, were "publish/unpublish" triggers in the workflow section (won't help me) and the "unpublish" workflow, which may be a base code for creating a publish cronjob.

The "not yet published" articles could be drafts, which will be published at one (common) partent folder, or they may be published at some other (not accessible) node and moved to the "public" node.

Any comment is welcome, as 01.12 is coming near ;)


Bruce Morrison

Saturday 20 November 2004 11:46:15 pm

Seems to be a embargo (publish on date) feature

And an unpublish feature

You would just have to run the cronjon at midnight

Hope this helps

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Marco Zinn

Sunday 21 November 2004 12:58:50 pm

Thanks, Bruce. The first link helped me to get it working.
Btw, you can run your cronjob every hour, as the "wait until date" event seems to work perfectly, even with "datetime" attributes.
So, you can have articles publish at almost any time, as long as your cronjob is called frequently enough ;)
