Forums / General / Proglems with the links page in the "Building an eZ Publish site".

Proglems with the links page in the "Building an eZ Publish site".

Author Message

Bengt Skogly

Tuesday 20 January 2004 9:24:54 am

Hi hope someone can help me with my problem.
I have followed the toturial from the beginning and everything seems to work fine until I start with the links page.
After I created the link folders and the links under these folders I fixed the link in the pagelayout template. When I now try to view the page, the page is blank (if things had worked I should have seen the folders listed using the default/standard full view template).
If I continue the toturial, making the "full_view_links_folder.tpl"...and so on the folders and the links never appear :( I only the "Links folder description: The links folder contains all the links that we...

What can be wrong?
(Using ver. 3.3.1)

Finn David Nilsen

Tuesday 20 January 2004 11:20:51 am

I don't now whats wrong, but maybe you will see the folders if you set another priority of the full_view_links_folder in the list off /node/view/full.tpl's in the admin site.

This solved my problem...

Finn David