Forums / General / Problems with URL

Problems with URL

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Børge Warvik

Wednesday 23 November 2005 2:37:40 am

I'm not sure where to put this thread, so I do it in the General forum.

In a few weeks we'll be running eZ Publish on Linux on our host partner. While I'm waiting I've downloaded the app to my local machine and installed it. My system is Windows XP professional and IIS 5.

I did run the setup and I work fined. All the tables are installed in the MySQL database. I get no errors, but I know there is a problem with the extension php_imagick.dll. I just couldn't find a way to install it.

But anyway, the problems comes when I'm trying to run the site after installing it. I did set it up as an intranet on the root, so my URL are "localhost". When I go there I see a login page. When I try to login something strange happends with the URL. In the querystring there is missing a "?", which causes my system to return an error 404 File not found.



The correct would be:


Hope this is understandable. Can anyone help?

Børge Warvik

Gurudutt Verma

Wednesday 23 November 2005 3:12:12 am


Have you read folling.

IIS is not supported by eZ publish yet. Please switch to apache and configure it and fix all virtualhost settings and it should work then :-)

Børge Warvik

Wednesday 23 November 2005 3:25:24 am

Thanks Gurudutt Verma!

Hmmm.... would have been nice to have read that yesterday morning when I started to install eZ Publish :D Guess I only can kick myself for that :D

As of now I'm reading about installing the apache web server on my machine. Do you have any links for that?

Børge Warvik

Gurudutt Verma

Wednesday 23 November 2005 4:08:22 am


I will suggest you to use bundeld installation if you are very new to eZ publish. see here

To install apache on windows see here and I suggest you please do some google thing and you will find some more easy way to install apache on windows.

After that see virtual host setup here

And Requirement stuffs here

All the best :-)

Børge Warvik

Wednesday 23 November 2005 4:26:41 am

Gurudutt, thanks for all the help. I'll look into it now.