Forums / General / Problems with image.ini and image objects

Problems with image.ini and image objects

Author Message

Alejandro Dominguez

Thursday 28 April 2011 4:19:32 am

Hello guys,

I has been changing the image.ini file of my siteaccess to create my custom image Alias. When I have resized three images for a list of articles in eZ Flow template I have noticed that for each article all the images (the once shown in the frontapage and the internal images shown in full view) of this three articles have been resized and stored , so I have lost the original images with full size.

Any ideas of what is wrong? I have more than +1000 images so it could be very painfull

PD: I'm going to backup my site now!

Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Tuesday 03 May 2011 5:29:51 am

You shouldn't lose the original versions. When creating an Alias, the original is untouched and a new version is created according to the alias settings. The images you see in frontend and full view in the admin are also alias versions.

To verify, in firefox, right click on the image and click on Copy Image Location, the URL will be ending with '_aliasname.jpg' remove '_aliasname' and you should have the URL to the original image