Forums / General / probleme with a href

probleme with a href

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jb bianchi

Tuesday 30 August 2005 5:32:52 am


I want to go in a same template by two differents ways.
Fisrt <a href={concat($:item.url_alias, '?cons=1')|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a>
<a href={concat($:item.url_alias, '?cons2=1')|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a>

In the template result, I have wrinten
{def cons=ezhttp('cons', 'get') cons2=ezhttp('cons2', 'get')}
{$cons2}=cons2, {$cons}=cons

I clear the cache and back to the first tempate click and see the good url (cons=1 at the end) and on the result template I can see cons=1.

After I go to the second tpl, click and see the good url (cons2=1 at the end of the url) but on the screen I see (cons=1 cons2= ).
If I clear the cache again and go to the result tpl in starting to the second tpl( cons2=1) I see the good url and in the tpl result (cons2=1). After I go to the first tpl(cons=1) click, see the good url but I see again (cons2=1, cons= ).

So there is a cache uri problem but in the pagelayout I have ever write to clear cahce url...
Can you help me please.

Konrad Mazurkiewicz

Tuesday 30 August 2005 6:46:15 am

If you want use 'get' variables in templates other than pagelayout you must disable cache for this template, otherwise template will be cached with values fetched from url on first page load.

At the top of template put this

{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}


jb bianchi

Wednesday 31 August 2005 1:24:50 am


I will try it.

Peter Garner

Wednesday 30 August 2006 10:16:34 am

Hi Konrad,

can you please get in touch with Peter Garner