Forums / General / Problem with RSS import

Problem with RSS import

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xavier assemat

Monday 25 April 2011 1:11:05 pm


I got a problem with the rss import script(from the cronjobs) on ez publish 4.4. The script is executed without an error, and the rss feeds are created in the database, but I can't see them in the content tree where they are supposed to be, and i can't fetch them neither.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 26 April 2011 12:36:06 am

Hi Xavier and welcome to the eZ Community !

Are there any approval workflows configured, that might block the imported feeds to be published ?

Let us know,

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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xavier assemat

Tuesday 26 April 2011 4:14:16 am

Hi Nicolas,

They aren't any worflow, but i forgot to mention the problem happened after an update from the 4.2 to the 4.4(it worked before). All the stuff seems to work but perhaps there is something specific to upgrade for the rss import?

Thanks again for your help.