Forums / General / Portal questions? Please help !

Portal questions? Please help !

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Fernando Acevedo

Friday 05 March 2004 4:50:43 pm


I am new to ezPublish. I've followed the tutorial and done some changes to the chess site 9ie. adding a few extra bits to try and learn !) Ufff .. Hard work but I'm getting there.

Anyway, Now I am going to beusing ezpublish for real and hope to be able to show my website when it is finished. I want to do a portal/community website. The portal must support three languages (English. Potuguese, Spanish).

I have a couple of questions that could help me in getting started.

1) I want to have ads on the website of different sizes. I gather that ezpublish does no have an ads capability. What are people using out there and how easy is it to implement?

2) I want to offer free + subscription email on my site. is there a webmail component in ezpublish? If you have implemented this, how did you do it? what do you need?

3) How easy/difficul is it to implement different languages on the website?

4) Should I start with one of the demo templates or from scratch? ie. news?

5) If I need to use functionality from one of the demo sites, what is the best way of implementing that on my website? I tried implementing the gallery (demo) on the chess tutorial website but got lost.

6) What are your views on running ezPublish on a windows server?

Thank you for any help you may be able to give me.

Hopefully in the non too distant future I will be able to show my site to you via




Wednesday 10 March 2004 3:58:10 am

It looks you are right in the beginning of your learning course.

Ever thought about buying in external help for your first project?

Looking for a new job?
Looking for hosting?
GMT +01:00 Hannover, Germany

Fernando Acevedo

Wednesday 10 March 2004 4:32:19 am


Thanks for your reply.

I have thought about getting external help, but there are two issues with that.

1) Money !!! ;-) For some reason I think it will be expensive to get somebody to do this.
2) I want to learn and I know that the best way of learning is jumping in at the deep end and doing things for yourself.

However, If I could find somebody to help me that would not charge a lot of money and could at the same time give me some help with ezPublish and the way the website is built then I would consider it.

As a matter of interest, do you have any idea how much somebody would charge for a project of that type. Including the items listed above on my initial email?

Is anyone offering support services (please note ... inexpensive !!!)

Thanks for your help.
