Forums / General / php operators

php operators

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Marc Boon

Friday 03 March 2006 6:21:56 am

I try to implement a php operator, but without success. The only documentation I could find about it is a comment in template.ini

What I need is a string replace function, like the php function str_replace.
So I added this to /settings/override/template.ini.append.php:


I hoped that something like this would work to create a url to the current node in another siteaccess, for a multilingual site (any other suggestions also welcome!):


but the result is the same as without the replace() operat or.

I also tried this:


but then the result is 'Array'.

Mads Ovesen

Friday 03 March 2006 6:32:38 am

You can only use php operators that take one parameter: See
under limitations.

Instead you'll have to check your language in site.ini an make the url using the concat function.


Marc Boon

Friday 03 March 2006 7:36:52 am

Problem with hardcoded urls is that it isn't portable between different configurations.
I used the ezurl() operator to automatically add the index.php(?) if needed. My development site runs on a machine with mod_php, and the production server uses CGI, so they need different urls.

Marc Boon

Sunday 05 March 2006 1:57:39 am

Just found exactly what I needed in Contributions:

Thank you Alexandre Abric!