Forums / General / overriding google.tpl
Marc Gibert GinestÃ
Tuesday 30 December 2003 9:04:48 am
I have the following code:
{include name=navigator uri='design:navigator/google.tpl' page_uri=concat('/content/view','/archive/',$node.node_id) item_count=$children_count view_parameters=$view_parameters item_limit=$page_limit}
But I'd like to override google.tpl with another template. Question is, where do I put it and how would the uri parameter reflect it?
Thanks in advance.
Florian Feigenbutz
Wednesday 07 January 2004 7:10:34 am
Hi Marc,
if you don't use the standard design folder you could create a folder called "navigator" in your /design/[design folder name]/templates directory. By placing a file "google.tpl" in this new folder this one will be your new default google-template. -Perhaps you'll have to empty your cache afterwards.. If you would e.g. wish to have different googles depending on the node, class or section you could use the override.ini.append-file in /settings/siteaccess/[design folder name]/ to override the default google.tpl.I did this and it works without any problems.. Just take the default google.tpl and edit it until it fits your wishes.