Forums / General / Ouch! EZ got corrupted?!?

Ouch! EZ got corrupted?!?

Author Message

Claus Jensen

Wednesday 10 September 2003 12:07:53 am

Hello folks,
Ooops! In my ez-site I deleted a folder called "public services" by mistake, and now I get "input did not validate" when I try to restore (from "Thrash") or publish new objects called "Services" into any folder. I have changed attribute-layout and added some attributes to the objects, and they were working before I deleted them. This now happens everytime I try to move or publish objects of class "Service". This has got to be a bug?!

Also look here for possible similar bug:

Here are some of the output:
Warning: PHP
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Use of undefined constant EZ_INPUT_VALIDATOR_STATE_VALID - assumed 'EZ_INPUT_VALIDATOR_STATE_VALID' in /opt/ezpublish/sites/env-e-city/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezurl/ezurltype.php on line 92

Warning: eZHTTPTool
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Undefined post variable: ContentObjectAttribute_data_imagealttext_622

Error: ezimagetype
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Could not get image file, is fileupload enabled in PHP?
Warning: eZHTTPTool
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Undefined post variable: ContentObjectAttribute_data_price_624
Warning: eZHTTPTool
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Undefined post variable: ContentObjectAttribute_data_author_id_625
Warning: eZHTTPTool
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Undefined post variable: ContentObjectAttribute_data_author_name_625
Warning: eZHTTPTool
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Undefined post variable: ContentObjectAttribute_data_author_email_625
Warning: PHP
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /opt/ezpublish/sites/env-e-city/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezauthor/ezauthortype.php on line 163
Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(1 rows, 0.458 ms) query number per page:27
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

select name,real_translation from ezcontentobject_name where contentobject_id = '150' and content_version = '5' and content_translation = 'eng-GB'

Error: eZTemplate @ content/edit.tpl:6[0]
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Unknown template variable 'node' in namespace ''
Error: eZTemplate @ content/edit.tpl:6[0]
Sep 09 2003 16:41:29

Unknown template variable 'node' in namespace ''

Is this a bug in ez or does anybody see what could be wrong in my system? EZ Please advice.
