Forums / General / Oracle buys Sun & what db do you use?

Oracle buys Sun & what db do you use?

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Andreas Kaiser

Tuesday 21 April 2009 7:16:33 am

Last year MySql was bought by Sun and now Oracle acquires Sun...

Who know what will happen in the future with MySql (but i feel a little sad about this and previous acquisition...)

Well, the good is that ez publish supports a wide range of databases, so which db you use with ez publish and why?

We use MySql because it's part of LAMP, open source, works great and eZ System recommend it :)

PS: Perhaps ez system could have a monthly poll related with how people use ez publish: like which OS you use with eZ Publish, what PHP accelerator, what ez publish version, etc

eZ Partner in Madrid (Spain)

Bård Farstad

Tuesday 21 April 2009 7:37:51 am


we actually collect lots of data from the installations where you choose to send info to eZ (a screen during installation). From the last 10.000 installations I recently did a lookup and 98% of the installations was on MySQL and the rest was on PostgreSQL and Oracle.



Andreas Kaiser

Tuesday 21 April 2009 8:33:05 am

Good to know that you collect that info from the installation script (I usually skip that step - but now I will not)

Anyway perhaps it would be interesting to have some of that information accessible in the web... :)

eZ Partner in Madrid (Spain)