Forums / General / Online editor for 3.1?

Online editor for 3.1?

Author Message

Tony Wood

Friday 27 June 2003 8:39:05 am

Is there a new online editor build for 3.1?

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Tonny Laursen

Saturday 28 June 2003 1:24:48 am

Yes there is, here is the changes.


Updated: June 26, 2003

Changes from 1.0.1 to 1.1

* Fixed bug of unable to insert anchor when using ssl protocol ( https ).
* Added specialised context menu for editing element.
* Added support to edit class property for tag emphasize, bold, header, table, td, th, object, link, ul, ol, literal.
* Added table cell editing where user can specify cell width, cell class and apply it either to the cell, the same row as the selected cell or the same column as the selected cell.
* Added status bar to show current tag, all parent tags and tag class infromation.
* Added function to set(unset) table cell as table header.
* Added function of spliting cell, merging cell(including merging cells in two different rows).
* Added text-find function.
* Added online help function.
* Added CSS support where user can change the view of editor(font, text size, backgroud colour, etc.) by editing style sheet file.
* Added inline custom tag support.
* Added support to make image as link.
* Added function to remove link.
* Improved support for copying text from word document. Special word style text can be assigned class attribute directly when save the copied text by editing file wordcopy.ini.
* Added support to make editor only available to desired sites.
* Improved user interface, especially pop up window.

Tony Wood

Saturday 28 June 2003 1:36:17 am

Great, thanks Tonny...

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

Power to the Editor!

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