Forums / General / object relations update

object relations update

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Nathalie Grimaud

Friday 06 January 2006 9:03:12 am

I'd like to have your opinion on a strange phenomenon I've faced with ; this concern the object relations.

<b>Context :</b>
<i>Object 1</i>
attribute : Title
datatype : Text Line
content : 'Title Object 1'

<i>Object 2</i>
attribute : Related object
datatype : Object Relations
content : Object 1

In the template of Object 1 I look for all the objects related to Object 1, doing :
{def $objects=fetch('content','search',hash('text',$,'class_id',37,'class_attribute_id',345))}
37 = id of the Object 2 class
345 = id of the Related object attribute

Until this point there's no problem, I easily recover Object 2.

<b>Problem :</b>
When I change the Title of Object 1 for exemple from 'Title Object 1' to 'New Title Object 1'
<b>Admin Side :</b>
I refresh the Object 2 , the object relation is updated and now it points to 'New Title Object 1'. -> OK.

<b>Web Side :</b>
I refresh the display of Object 1 , the Object 2 has disappeared ! It seems that the fetch function doesn't reconize the new title of my related object.

<b>Solutions explored :</b>
clear all caches : no change in front side
edit Object 2 without change and republish it : no change in front side
edit Object 2, remove the object relation to Object 1 and immediatly add it again : the Object 2 is back in front side!

Does someone has any explanation on the way the object relations in attributes are updated and why this update is not recognize in the front side ?

Xavier Dutoit

Saturday 07 January 2006 6:45:13 am


You aren't using the object relation feature here, but the search (restricted to an attribute)

The fetch reverse is documented there:

The related_objects isn't documented, but works the same.


P.S. Have a look at this extension, it might be easier in your case to create the editing interface: and provides some examples about how to use the related objects.

Yannick Komotir

Wednesday 17 December 2008 11:37:55 am


somebody for asking this problem? the same problem can see here


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