Forums / General / No "reply to address" in user information email
James Packham
Wednesday 04 February 2004 5:20:06 am
Hi a little while back I made a post on disabling the user informaiton email that's generated during the user registration process:
It turns out that this isn't exactly a small undertaking, so I'll try and ask a slightly different question:
How do I specify the return/sender email address for this email? When I register a user one of the emails appears to come from [email protected] (which is good), but the user info email doesn't have a sender address. My ISPs mail server automatically fills in the field with [email protected] (which is bad!).
I was wondering how I set this, as none of the options with the word email in the ini files (I did "cat *.ini | grep -i email" of all these files to find all occurances) seems to sort it out!
Marco Zinn
Tuesday 10 February 2004 9:30:47 am
I think, all eMail-sending is done in lib/ezmail.php . There, ez probably calls the PHP "mail" function to send the mail (when you are using "sendmail"... I don't know about SMTP, but this should be in the same file).I'm sure, that you can specify a sender there. But i'm NOT sure, if your ISP will allow you to change the "from" or "reply to" Mail-Adress (Spam, EMail-Spoofing...)
Thursday 12 February 2004 2:07:33 am
Well it isn't providing one and I just want to use one of my own domains, so I can probably get away with it :)
Thursday 12 February 2004 2:43:44 am
Actually after a bit of further invesitgation I found out what the problem was:
U use Postfix, so I'd specified my tansport agent as smtp which is why I'm getting the problem.
If I specify it as Sendmail and change
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix -t -i
it magically starts working!