Forums / General / Moving an existing design & siteaccess into a stock eZ publish 3 build

Moving an existing design & siteaccess into a stock eZ publish 3 build

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kracker (the)

Wednesday 16 February 2005 9:15:11 am

What's up Lollypop factory,

Today I have been working on moving an existing eZ publish design & siteaccess from an older build into a stock eZ publish 3 build. I was doing this because of my very odd error, Roles & Permissions : Strange Admin Error :
and was the reason I asked for a list of eZ publish Kernel Error Codes:

I kept encountering an eZ publish : kernel (1) error (prompting me to login)! The error was all to oddly familiar. I just knew I had seen it before but couldn't remember and my own private faq list did not have it documented (tisk,tisk). It was driving me crazy!

I kept thinking that i should simply only need to drop in my design and siteaccess information (check to make sure it's still accurate) and it should work without the error. Well, I was mostly right ...

It turns out I had forgotten (ahhhh) that you must first configure via the Administrator > Roles & Access > Anonymous > to allow login from my new site design as well as the default corporate_user.

So I edited the Anonymous Role to include the site design in it's Policies and saved my changes.

* <b>Legend</b>: Module Function Limitations
* <b>Before</b>: user login SiteAccess( corporate_user )
* <b>After</b>: user login SiteAccess( corporate_user , bluewire )

This solved my error kernel (1), which makes a lot of sense, now that i think about, i guess this is just one of those things you really <b>have to</b> know about when trying to do something like this (hind sight is 20/20 and I've done this more than 3 times). I thought a nice big write up on my experience would save me this headache (and perhaps you too!) in the future.

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Sage Francis : Sun vs. Moon

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