Forums / General / Missing <paragraph> text.

Missing <paragraph> text.

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Alex Mayfield

Tuesday 01 March 2011 9:57:00 am

I'm having a very peculiar problem. Over the past day or so, we've discovered that on our production site, anything that is put in a content block with a paragraph tag has vanished. Things such as headers and tables remain, so it's like the middle of the content block vanished.

At first, it was merely the home page, but now it's every single page. It's not merely hidden through some CSS trickery, it literally does not exist...unless you go into the admin, where you can find the original content sitting there untouched. I have already tried combing through the page with debug mode, only to find out that there was no template being loaded for a paragraph tag either. Debug mode also does not volunteer any leads such as errors, and what's more, there is a development version of the website that shows up just fine, paragraph tags and everything, if I copy the contents from live to dev.

So...out of curiosity, what would cause something like this to occur? I don't think that the dev and live sites are identical, but I've already compared most of the usual suspects (such as the contents of /design/ and /extension/site/design/) on dev vs live, and I'm totally stumped.

André R.

Wednesday 02 March 2011 3:50:23 am

eZ Publish version and if this has been upgraded from earlier versions might help here.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Marko Žmak

Thursday 03 March 2011 7:30:52 am

Try this one...

Find out what exact template is used to render the paragraph on your frontend. Then find out if this template exists in the site's design or in the standard design.

Also check the override.ini settings, if there's an override for the paragraph template.

Try comparing the "settings" folder on your production and dev.

And of course try clearing the cache completely.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth