Forums / General / Lost my root node

Lost my root node

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Iris Hoekstra - Roscam Abbing

Wednesday 11 February 2004 9:58:04 am

While struggling to create a website with EZPublish, I have actually managed to throw away my root node. I have tried to make a new one by making inserts in the following tables in the database:

But apparently I am still missing something, because the root object is not showing up in the admin interface yet. Any ideas?

Balazs Halasy

Wednesday 11 February 2004 2:48:14 pm


Could you please explain exactly how you threw away the root node? What did you do? Did you simply delete it using the admin interface?


Iris Hoekstra - Roscam Abbing

Thursday 12 February 2004 5:21:57 am

Oddly enough, I did. I think I thought I was throwing away something else. Everything was just a big mess yesterday.

But it's okay now. Editing the five tables I mentioned *was* enough, I just made a mistake with id's so the records didn't match. Making good progress now. I am definitely starting to develop tender feelings for EZPublish :-)

Vincent Saulnier

Thursday 12 February 2004 5:51:20 am

It appened to me more than once.

I wanted to change the text of the ROOT node or that User ROOT node and I loose everything.
The reason why I wanted to modify the text is that my Sites are in French, wich I think is a good reason for wanting to do that.

The way I was able to achieve this was by creting a new cleandata.sql with the text I wanted.

Maarten Holland

Friday 13 February 2004 3:46:55 am

Happened to me also. Perhaps it would be a nice idea to protect the root node from being deleted?

Marco Zinn

Friday 13 February 2004 12:36:08 pm

Hi Iris (is that the correct name?)
just a note: The "root node" usually has ID 2, which you probably found out. If you loose and re-create it again, there is some .ini setting for this, maybe it's possible to change the root node ID to the new ID.
But i agree with the others: It should be protected from deleting.


Alan Stephenson

Wednesday 18 February 2004 12:45:05 pm

I too lost my root. I removed it by accident in the admin console. Now it does not want to show up.

Is there a way to create a new root node through the admin console?

Iris Hoekstra - Roscam Abbing

Wednesday 25 February 2004 7:35:37 am

I actually did this not once, but twice. What's strange is that it happens when I try to change the name of the root node. Is this a bug?

Any way, to the best of my limited knowledge it is not possible to re-create the rootnode in the admin interface. I think you have to do it in the database.

Trond Åge Kvalø

Thursday 26 August 2004 12:52:00 am

Hello Iris!

I have just lost my root just as you describe here. I've dumped the tables you mention into a text file to have a closer look at them.

After having a look at the tables, the process of recreating my root node seems daunting to put it mildly.

Could you please give some more details as to how you managed to recreate your root node?

Do I have to insert values into all the fields, or can I get away with just some of the fields, just to get the node up and then edit it further in the admin interface?

Any help is deeply appreciated.

Best regards
