Forums / General / Login fails in infinit "change password" dialog loop O.o

Login fails in infinit "change password" dialog loop O.o

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Nabil Imran

Friday 02 October 2009 6:12:13 am

I just ran into a very strange problem:

I upgraded eZ from 4.0.0 to 4.0.3 to 4.1.4 to 4.2.0. Before and after that everything worked perfectly. Later I added a new User and changed some permissions, e.g. removed ezdhtml permissions and added ezoe permission to editors..
Thats all I remember I did so far and should not be able to cause any strange problems. But ...

When I try to login to login with the new User or even ANY user and enter the correct password, I get redirected to a "Change password for user" dialog (<http://domain>/<anysiteaccess>/userpaex/password/2458).
There I have to type my old password and enter a new one twice. When I submit the form, I get to the same dialog again in an infinite loop! O.o
When I call any valid url directly, I can access the site, but I'm still logged out.

I don't think it's a bug, I more think, that I messed up something, but I don't have any idea what it might be O.o


Nabil Imran

Friday 02 October 2009 6:29:31 am

Haha lol Self solved:

The issue must have existed already some hours before I made the changes to the permissions etc. I just didn't notice it before (maybe because of cache or I didn't logout long time before, not sure).

The cause was, that I accidentally activated an extension called ezmbpaex that I imported while upgrading the system.

My bad. omg