Forums / General / Knowing whether a string appears twice or more times

Knowing whether a string appears twice or more times

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Alejandro Serrano

Thursday 21 September 2006 3:50:01 am

I need to know whether a string contains two or more ocurrences of another one.
For example, I want to know whether "26, 27, 23, 26" contains one or more times the string "26,". Is there any way to accomplish this task?

Thanks in advance

Claudia Kosny

Friday 22 September 2006 12:54:39 am

Hello Alejandro

As far as I know there is no inbuilt way to do this with EZ. But as there is the PHP function substr_count for this, you just need to write an EZ template operator for this. More info about how to do this is here:

Greetings from Luxembourg


Softriva .com

Friday 22 September 2006 1:08:26 am

Up to my humble knowledge, you can solve this in two ways,

A. Write your own operator using php.
B. using the existing operator as follows:
1. explode the string into array1 (see link below)
2. use the unique operator of the array1 to make array2.
3. Compare the two arrays if they are the same then there are no repeated words. If not then you can iterate (may sining foreach) through the two arrays to find the duplicate words

May be someone else can help you better than me. I just tried.