Forums / General / Is there a clear way to start with?

Is there a clear way to start with?

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Jaume Presas

Saturday 29 November 2003 1:35:38 pm

As much as I find interesting the features that eZ Publish has, I find a pain in the [edited] its installation and setup. Maybe I must be missing something, but I think that there is something wrong or in the documentation or simply in the whole process.

I failed miserably when trying to install it via setup wizard (I couldn't go further the database inizialization, like I posted in another tree). So I tried the manual installation, editing the site.ini file. After a few headaches due to the missing tables on the database (nowhere it's said that you have to load the kernel_schema.sql and cleandata.sql into the database) I have been able to login for the first time as admin. I played a bit creating sections, adding content, but now, I can't see the final result of all the changes I did, this is: the page like it should look when someone visits it. As soon as I go to the url, what I get is only the first page of the administration interface.

Assuming that the manual installation went correctly (I can at least login as admin and user) I've tried to follow the building documentation, step by step. No luck again. It starts talking about a default "Plain" site, which is not installed. The folder settings/siteaccess doesn't contain any folder called plain, only admin.

I don't know, the first impression is that the documentation seems clear, up to date, but it doesn't help you to achieve the obvious thing: to start building your site. Is there a clear way to do it?

liu spider

Sunday 30 November 2003 11:08:58 am

The file you need is doc/INSTALL

and I think what you are missing is Currect Permission of files and folders. Just try this under the root dir of eZ

Chmod 777 * -R

then remove all the files under settings/override, and start install eZ again(I recommend use setup wizard)
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Karsten Jennissen

Monday 01 December 2003 3:51:32 am


the tutorial "Building an eZ publish site" is the best way to learn the system, but it depends on demo data installation (e.g. the "plain" sites). Could you describe what went wrong with the wizard? Maybe we can help you through it. In the wizard, you can select the demo sites to be installed.

If you are using the new 3.3 beta, I think (but I ain't sure, because i haven't tried this) you can import the demo sites as packages. Go to set-up > advanced > packages, and click on import. Then go to /kernel/setup/packages and select the plain one. I don't have an installation available to check the instructions I am giving ;-) so there could be some variations. Just try and get as far as you can and if you have questions, come back.

Once you have the plain site running, you can follow the tutorial step by step.
