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Is ez ok for this?

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Paolo De Dionigi

Tuesday 05 February 2008 3:40:14 am

Hello, I'm a complete noob about EZ. Not even installed yet, since I want to know before if it's good for my need ).

I'm skilled with php, html, css, js, but the person who'll make the site (speaking about development, not layout, in charge of other people) has less skills (but learn vey quickly) (hmmm sorry for my english, I'm italian).

Well, which features does this site need?

I've to create a website for an association (like Lions, with local chapters).

There must be a section with info pages for each chapter (ok I suppose there's no problem)

Then there must be a user management (users must be associated with their chapter and I need the possibility to create pages within specific chapter showing the users belonging to that chapter) The best would be if I could assign some tags to specific users to assign them a role in the chapter (president, vice-president and so on) and then create a page for each chapter (view in Drupal?) where to list just those users.

About users described in this manner, There's also a question regarding acl (see further).

I need a tool for users search


A documentaton download management (with permission rules, just access, not important management)

a Forum

A news management (with permission rules, both regarding access (reading) and adding, editing, deleting)

Newsletter management

Calendar management (with permission rules both in reading and management)

The best with newsletter would be to have a system to simply retrieve content from the site (ie some news, some events) and obviously to write everything is needed on the fly. (I was forgotting, a filter based on users (chapter, role, ecc...)

Regarding acl: I need to define which (kind of) content can be accessed by which kind of user (I believe this is a standard feature, right?)

More important, in backend, I need to assign to some groups the permission to manage (for example) users (and news, events, maybe docs for download) but just for their chapter (example: the vicepresidet of Chapter X may manage the users, but only those belonging to Chapter X). Is this possible? (very very important. I come from Joomla experience, but as everyone knows it has a very poor ACL management, so I had a look at Drupal, just to discover (after trying a bit) that it's not possibile to restrict user management based upon roles or whatever (i'm speaking not about general user management of course, but the management of just some 'groups' of users).

For these features is there something already available, or must be coded from the scratch?

I believe that something there's already available. I'd like to know from who knows well the features I need if to achieve my goals I need to work a lot on what already available or not so much (which features are not covered by what already avaialble?)

Thanks in advance, Paolo

André R.

Tuesday 05 February 2008 8:37:26 am

Most of the features you talk about is right there out of the box, at least:
* user management
* user group management
* content/download for documents and files
* roles for specifying read / write /edit / delete rights pr user or user group and where they have those rights and on what kind of content ( article / forum / calendar ....)
* Forum
* Calendar

As for newsletter, there are several extensions available, and most of them integrate well with the content of your site.

When it comes to chapters, this highly depends on what you mean. Is this just site sections or independent web sites ? Do they differ in design or do they share design?

If they need to be independent from each other in design / style / layout / domain, then you need to do some customization. Here is one way to do it:

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