Forums / General / Info Page?

Info Page?

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Bryan Richard

Friday 14 May 2004 12:57:44 pm

I noticed in the online demo of the Corporate site there was a content type call "Info Page" that I found rather helpful. I've just installed ezpublish-3.4.0beta1 and I don't seem to see "Info Page" as an available content type.

What do I need to do in order for it to appear?



Alexandre Cunha

Friday 14 May 2004 3:55:57 pm

yeap, "info page" is missing.
I dont know how eZ team have removed this class from the standard ezp installation in the 3.4 series.

If you cannot replace with other class, I may suggest you create the "Info Page" class.
Or use "Article" class instead.

Maybe i replace on my 3.3.x sites the "info page" by "article".
Im looking to a easy way to convert all "info page" content to other class (Article).

Any ideas ?


Willie Seabrook

Friday 14 May 2004 10:49:48 pm

I think that content class is located in a package. If so, then you need to install the appropriate package. Look in the docs and admin interface for package information and functionality.

Otherwise you could just create your own substitute class.

There is no easy way Axel, to convert data in content objects to a new class... you'll have to do manual stuff either in raw SQL or in php using the ezPublish API.


Vidar Langseid

Friday 21 May 2004 5:59:19 am

In 3.4, "Info page" will not be used anymore.

The "Folder" class has been more generalized and will be used instead.

Best regards,

Alex Jones

Friday 21 May 2004 6:19:35 am

Was this change posted somewhere previously? How will this effect people who use <i>Info Page</i> on sites that are being upgraded?


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Paul Borgermans

Friday 21 May 2004 6:32:00 am

No, not announced unless you study the svn logs :-)

But it is no problem for upgrading, existing classes won't be wiped out.

Things change when you would like to implement features from the enhanced folder class for example. You'll have to study the new demo templates on what is accomplished how.



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Vidar Langseid

Friday 21 May 2004 6:34:15 am

The packages in 3.4 are almost completely rewritten (templates, CSS, class definitions). The package system has also been extended.

But this will not cause any problems concerning upgrades, as Paul explains

Best regards,

Alex Jones

Friday 21 May 2004 6:46:06 am

Ahhh, cool. Thanks for the update guys!


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>