Forums / General / images in javascript

images in javascript

Author Message

wendy br

Tuesday 21 October 2003 3:19:09 am

i have a problem with putting an image in javascript. This image will not show in the page. This is a part of my script:
oCMenu.makeMenu('top0','',' <img src="{../home.gif|ezimage}">','/news/index.asp','')

i hope someone can help me.

Grtz Ushi

Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 21 October 2003 3:39:42 am

It might be the quotes are wrong. Look at the html source produced by ez and examine the quotes. Hopefully that should tell you why the javascript is failing.

Are you using mozilla? It has a javascript console that reports errors.


wendy br

Wednesday 22 October 2003 1:03:39 am

thnx it works now :D