Forums / General / Images do not work - tried [almost] everything...

Images do not work - tried [almost] everything...

Author Message

Roberta Gatti

Monday 24 November 2003 9:26:43 am

we have apache 2.0.48, Linux RedHat9, ez 3.2.3,
and PHP 4.3.3.

We have downloaded and installed the 'news' demo.

Sadly, images just do not show out.
The main symptom is that the IMG tag contains the ALT
attribute as inserted, but the SRC attribute is empty (SRC="")

We have checked permissions (777 on everything),
imagemagick (with path /usr/local/bin).

On the other hand, there is no image file in var/....
(but putting them in by way of 'cp' does not help)

In the ezimage database table, the file names are all present
(as well as the ALT text).

We tried to turn debugging on, but after modifying site.ini
and debug.ini the only thing we see is the "redirect" button
(but no log information), and a <!---DEBUG REPORT--> comment.
Please note that _all_ the items
in debug.ini have been turned "enabled".

Is there a simple way of turning debugging on for everything?

We have religiously read about thirty messages in the forum,
but to no avail. We have also tried to install Linux, Apache,
PHP, mysql, ez all from scratch (several times).

This is, I think, the fourth Linux installation in a row,
we are exausted!

Is there anybody out there, with our configuration, which is
able to see images?

Any help?

Marco Zinn

Monday 24 November 2003 10:13:04 am

Erm... a silly one: Did you try to upload a new image?
I think, the "news" demo does not contain any (content) images by default anymore.
Besides that, for debugging, you just need to enable a switch called "DebugOutput". I think, this is in [DebugSettings] in site.ini[.append]
If the image upload is okay, but you do not see a thumbnail image, try to insert an image into an article with size="original", which will give you the original (1:1 uploaded) images without having to call ImageMagick.


Roberta Gatti

Tuesday 25 November 2003 12:14:54 am

Yes, what we are referring to is the upload of new images.
ez does not upload them!

Surely, there is something amiss. The installation
found ImageMagick as expected. Every directory in
var has 777 mode.

The debug output reports no error when an image
is created.

When we try to display it, we have the following
debug text:

Warning: eZImageShell::run Nov 25 2003 10:36:46

Failed executing: /usr/local/bin/convert -geometry "150x150>" var/news/storage/reference/image//phpaXuBEC.jpg jpg:var/news/storage/variations/image/p/h/p//phpaXuBEC_150x150_136.jpg, Err: , Ret: 1

Warning: PHP Nov 25 2003 10:36:46

getimagesize(var/news/storage/variations/image/p/h/p/phpaXuBEC_150x150_136.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/apache2/ezpub/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 276

The problem, we think, is not in convert, but in
its input file:

which does not exist.

Moreover, the name fragment
maybe should be

or not?

In the upload phase we have the warning:

Warning: PHP Nov 25 2003 10:43:40

Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /usr/local/apache2/ezpub/kernel/common/ezurloperator.php on line 189

which may signal some deficiency. We tried
to correct the PHP code (moving lines 195-196)
before the 189; this eliminates the warning,
but does not solve the problem

Maybe this is a signal of the p/h/p missing problem?

Has anybody tried our verion of PHP (4.3.3.) ?
Any unexpected behaviour?

[many] Thanks In Advance

Roberta Gatti

Tuesday 25 November 2003 5:40:09 am

As an additional piece of information,
in the notice.log I found the following error
message (the SQL syntax is plain wrong:
WHERE node_id = width="" AND)

[ Nov 25 2003 11:41:00 ] [] SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
ezcontentobject_tree.*, as class_name
, as name,ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
, ezcontentobject_name
WHERE node_id = width="" AND AND
ezcontentclass.version=0AND = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
andezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'eng-GB'

Luc Chase

Tuesday 25 November 2003 9:14:42 am

I seem to be having the exact same error. Fresh install of ezpublish-3.2-3, but I have not yet verified that ImageMagick is definitely working as that is also a fresh install (upon Linux).

The Web Application Service Provider

Piotr Switkowski

Wednesday 26 November 2003 1:28:28 am

To me it clearly looks like bug in 3.2.3. I tried to upload images in demos on That is not working at all - in admin in image preview only empty <img src= alt="" /> tag is displayed.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon, as sites with no images do not look quite attractive.....

Claus Jensen

Wednesday 26 November 2003 1:58:39 am

just wondering, have you checked that your image.ini is ok?:


I have also found that to set:
# Windows installations should specify the path since convert is also
# an application for converting filesystems.

could work.