Forums / General / Image Upload

Image Upload

Author Message

Darly Coupet

Tuesday 06 January 2004 11:46:32 am

ezpublish Ver 3-2-3

I am unable to upload images for display in articles. I have tried to upload pictures more than 20 times!

What is the recommended solution to bug?

Logo and header pictures work fine.

Greatly appreciate comments.

Darly Coupet

Marco Zinn

Tuesday 06 January 2004 12:52:59 pm

What happens, after you upload the images?
Do you get warnings/ errors? Did you try with different image types (gif, png, jpg)?
You can try to turn on debug output (look for "DebugOutput=disabled" in the *.ini files and turn it to "enabled"). This should give you (and us) some more info.
If you see the logos and sample pictures of the provided packages, your Image Conversion system configuration seems to be okay.
Please check, if if the image upload to the server harddisc worked: Check the directory /var/storage/image/original or /var/storage/<sitename>/image/original (or similar) for new files.
If they exist, look for a directory called ..."reference" (instead of "original"), there must be files then, too.


Darly Coupet

Tuesday 06 January 2004 4:33:57 pm

Listed are Warnings and Errors when page is refreshed:

eZ debug
Timing: Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Module start 'content'
Warning: eZModuleOperationInfo::execute Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Missing main operation memento for key: 777d9ef37861b7b6fc3b61635398c878
Warning: PHP Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Undefined variable: to_file in /home/carib/travel/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 431
Warning: PHP Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 431
Warning: PHP Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 274
Warning: PHP Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
getimagesize(): Read error! in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 276
Warning: PHP Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 281
Warning: PHP Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 288
Error: eZImageVariation Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Debug: changing value of filename to default Jan 06 2004 19:34:36

Debug: changing value of width to default Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Debug: changing value of height to default Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Error: eZImageVariation Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get
Timing: Jan 06 2004 19:34:36
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 06 2004 19:34:36

Please advise.

Darly Coupet

Tuesday 06 January 2004 4:40:17 pm

Directory contents are as follows:

The following directory contains about 10 files:

The following directory is empty:

Please advise.

Marco Zinn

Wednesday 07 January 2004 12:09:03 pm

Hm, the problem is, that you do not have reference images.
References images are created from the original images, right after you upload the image.
When you enabled debug output in admin, you will probably see some error messages after uploading images. Try to create an image object, upload the image, but then press "Store draft", not "publish". This will give the the errors (please show us) and you will see, that you picture does not create a thumbnail.

Now, possible problems are:
- the "reference" directory is not writable by the server user. I don't think, that this is the problem
- your image conversion is not working. Do you use ImageMagick? Or GD?
Have a look at the error messages after the image upload, this should be very good.
If you use ImageMagick, check the pathname (directory) in the ini file(s), usually settings/override/image.ini.append


Darly Coupet

Wednesday 07 January 2004 3:38:13 pm

The following is debug output from admin after a store draft:

Debug: Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
/tmp/phpUE81Mh var/<sitename>/storage/original/image/phpUE81Mh.png

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined variable: to_file in /home/carib/travel/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 431

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 431

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined variable: to_file in /home/carib/travel/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 431

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagemanager.php on line 431

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 274

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
getimagesize(): Read error! in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 276

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 281

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined offset: 1 in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 288

Error: eZImageVariation Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get

Debug: changing value of filename to default Jan 07 2004 18:07:04

Debug: changing value of width to default Jan 07 2004 18:07:04

Debug: changing value of height to default Jan 07 2004 18:07:04

Error: eZImageVariation Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined attribute 'contentobject_attribute_id, version, requestedwidth, requestedheight', cannot get

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Undefined index: real_translation in /home/carib/travel/kernel/classes/ezcontentobjecttreenode.php on line 2331

Timing: Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Module end 'content'

Error: Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Could not open file 'var/<sitename>/cache/template-block/0/5/b/05b4a53b576089cd70b7c6a113ea642e.php' for writing, perhaps wrong permissions

Error: eZPHPCreator::store Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Failed to open file 'var/<sitename>/cache/template-block/0/5/b/05b4a53b576089cd70b7c6a113ea642e.php'

Warning: PHP Jan 07 2004 18:07:04
Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/carib/travel/kernel/common/ezurloperator.php on line 189

Timing: Jan 07 2004 18:07:04

Darly Coupet

Wednesday 07 January 2004 3:46:46 pm

Contents of /travel/settings/override/image.ini.append.php

<?php /* #?ini charset="iso-8859-1"?

*/ ?>

Please advise

imran x

Saturday 16 October 2004 7:52:43 am

I'm experiencing EXACTLY the same problem. I also tried to update image.ini.append.php to
the following:


But this results in:

Warning: PHP Oct 16 2004 09:45:21

strstr(): Empty delimiter. in /home/harabe30/public_html/live/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimageshell.php on line 195

Debug: eZImageShell::run <lib-ezimage-shell> Oct 16 2004 09:45:21

Executing shell command 'convert -geometry "100x100>" var/federal/storage/reference/image//phpyCtbRd.jpg jpg:var/federal/storage/variations/image/p/h/p//phpyCtbRd_100x100_252.jpg'

Warning: eZImageShell::run Oct 16 2004 09:45:21

Failed executing: convert -geometry "100x100>" var/federal/storage/reference/image//phpyCtbRd.jpg jpg:var/federal/storage/variations/image/p/h/p//phpyCtbRd_100x100_252.jpg, Err: , Ret: 1

Warning: PHP Oct 16 2004 09:45:21

getimagesize(var/federal/storage/variations/image/p/h/p/phpyCtbRd_100x100_252.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/harabe30/public_html/live/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 276

Warning: PHP Oct 16 2004 09:45:21

filesize(): Stat failed for var/federal/storage/variations/image/p/h/p/phpyCtbRd_100x100_252.jpg (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /home/harabe30/public_html/live/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagevariation.php on line 291

Error: Oct 16 2004 09:45:21

Could not create variation for var/federal/storage/variations/image/p/h/p/phpyCtbRd_100x100_252.jpg

Please help. I've already spend a long time on this issue..