Forums / General / Html code in articles

Html code in articles

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Bjørn Morten Svalland

Tuesday 20 February 2007 3:27:11 am

Does anyone know how I can put regular html code into an article? I vaguely remember that this was possible before, but I can't find it in the reference page in the documentation.

André R.

Tuesday 20 February 2007 3:39:06 am

You can either enable <literal class="html"> or develop your own custom tags.

From content.ini:

# The class 'html' is disabled by default because it gives editors the
# possibility to insert html and javascript code in XML blocks.
# Don't enable the 'html' class unless you really trust all users who has
# privileges to edit objects containing XML blocks.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Betsy Gamrat

Saturday 24 February 2007 8:19:09 am

Another approach is to use


in the template.

which should just output the raw content of the attribute (I'm assuming it is a text block).