Forums / General / How to set any charsets for outputting Japanese charsets ?

How to set any charsets for outputting Japanese charsets ?

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Goshi Nishimura

Monday 08 January 2007 8:31:07 pm


I want to to use Japanese charset EUC-JP and Shift_JIS for output on ezPublish.

I think ezPublish is suitable for other multi byte charsets like Chinese charset euc-cn.

PHP is suitable for Japanese charsets euc-jp and sjis,
MySQL(over 4.2.13) is suitable for charsets ujis and sjis,too.

Are the ezpublish scripts are suitable for these?

How to set?

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Thursday 25 January 2007 11:50:42 pm


eZ Publish has fully support for Unicode. So both language can be handle by eZ Publish. Basically you need to setup database in utf-8 then tell eZ Publish installer to enable Unicode.

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