Forums / General / How to publish images inside of the text of an article

How to publish images inside of the text of an article

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Jose Arturo Perez Vera

Thursday 20 April 2006 7:48:17 am

Hi !

Well, I am using ez to publish a bimonthly magazine. I will publish the first number on may. We already have all the information of each of the articles but I dunno how can I link a picture to be show inside of the article on an specific place.

I tried to upload as an object, but the system resize it and I dunno how to place it on the correct place.

Any help will be appreciated.
If you speak spanish, you are very welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Betsy Gamrat

Thursday 20 April 2006 9:04:16 am

I would create a new class, article_with_image - and templates to match.

Jose Arturo Perez Vera

Thursday 20 April 2006 12:25:30 pm

And how can I do that?

Sorry I am newbie on this.


Jose Arturo Perez Vera

Friday 21 April 2006 6:29:06 am

Please help !!!!!!

Łukasz Serwatka

Friday 21 April 2006 6:32:18 am


This is well explained in User manual. Take a look at:


It is also good idea to read whole User manual. It will help a lot with daily tasks.

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Jose Arturo Perez Vera

Tuesday 25 April 2006 11:28:26 am

Ok, I got that, now, how can I place it on specific place like in the center, right or left of specific part of the text?

Now, all the images are on the left side.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Sascha Frinken

Tuesday 25 April 2006 12:27:17 pm

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 26 April 2006 12:05:27 am

See also for troubleshooting:

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