Forums / General / How to make custom module handle request to certain node

How to make custom module handle request to certain node

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Mihhail Rekun

Tuesday 04 July 2006 12:16:06 pm


I have learned templates override system but couldn't find any place where it is described how to run module when a certain node is requested - for example I have a folder "company" and a custom content object in it - publications (file) and there is a template override for it.
Then, how do I make my module run when user requests index.php/company/publications so that object in the folder is displayed by my module, not by default content module ?

Thanks in advance,


Xavier Dutoit

Tuesday 04 July 2006 1:43:18 pm


Not sure to understand what you want to do.

One solution would be to create an template operator in your module "whatever".

Then you override a template for your node and {whatever param=xxx}


Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 05 July 2006 4:04:44 am

What would you like to let your custom module do? Maybe this can be solved in another way.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Mihhail Rekun

Wednesday 05 July 2006 6:20:14 pm

I'm trying to implement the following task -

There is an object of my custom class - publications (which is a CSV file with links to publications). This object sits in an content tree in a folder company.
When I type in http://localhost/index.php/company/publications/ then I need data from this file to be parsed and passed to the custom template.

How can I know from the PHP class in module what is current node to reach current object properties?

I have tried this construction and it doesn't work:

{let pubs=fetch( 'AgiPubs', 'fetchPubs',hash('node_id',$module_result.node_id) ) a=$module_result.node_id}

{$a|attribute( show, 3 )}


Parameter $node_id that arrives to fetchPubs is empty and $a appears to be empty either.

I also found out that inside of a module class "$tpl->variables['']['node']->NodeID" - returns the desired number

What would be the best way to get properties of a current object from a custom module class?

Sorry for a bit messy questions,

Best regards,


Mihhail Rekun

Thursday 06 July 2006 7:50:17 am

And another related problem I have -

if I have a site tree made of content objects:

-Company (folder)

This site tree structure is a requirement to make menus and automatic site map.

When a user goes to "/localhost/registration/new_user" for example - "registration" module is run and "new_user" view is shown, but current node is not "/registration/" any more, and location is not shown on a sitemap and menus.

I'm not sure this is a good approach, please advice :)

