Tuesday 28 July 2009 4:24:36 pm
Hi Marc, if I understand your problem correctly: You want that your customer can create simple news within their own folders?
It's really "eZ": Create a form in the owner view or on the blog view:
<form action="{'/content/action'|ezurl(no)}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="ClassID" value="#CLASS ID FOR NEWS#" />
<input type="hidden" value="#ID WHRE TO CREATE#" name="NodeID" />
<input type="hidden" value="#ID WHRE TO CREATE#" name="ContentNodeID"/>
<input type="hidden" value="#OBJECT ID WHERE TO CREATE#" name="ContentObjectID"/>
<input type="hidden" value="eng-GB" name="ContentLanguageCode"/>
<input type="submit" value="Create here" name="NewButton" />
After submitting this form you should be redirected to the edit view of your blog, where the customers can create their own news. To ensure that not everybody can do that or see the button - you should set up some roles & policies - something like "content"->"create"->"class news"->"parent owner self" To hide the button from foreign eys you can check is the current user has access to create some news in the current folder.
{def $access=fetch( 'user', 'has_access_to',
hash( 'module', 'content', 'function', 'create' ) )}
{if $access}
I hope this can help you at your way.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards
Max Keil
eZ Publish Gold Partner - http://www.all2e.com