Forums / General / How to assign section to content?

How to assign section to content?

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Aleksander Lech

Friday 24 February 2006 2:40:58 am

I wonder if its possible: I prepared user roles with edit permission to some section. I need to assign content to section different than default. And it should be done automatically.

As far as I understand, use of sections is the only way to implement possibility of editing content by group members instead of owners only. I have a folder with articles - folder contents are created by members of different groups - so I need to create several setions in this folder, and assign edit permission to this sections. Content i created in section according to folders node, so I need to change section on create.

I hope somebody do understand this :)


Arran Price

Tuesday 28 February 2006 2:04:25 pm

Hi Aleksander,
I am having a little trouble understanding what you are asking but....
You can apply permissions on nodes or subtrees as well as sections, So you dont typically need to use sections (sometimes it may be the right way to go and others it may not).
You may find that setting up a role per subtree may accomplish what you are after.

Hope thats of some help.


Aleksander Lech

Wednesday 01 March 2006 1:48:47 am

Hi Arran,
my problem is that I have a folder where every editors can create content. Editors belong to different groups - so what's the way to give editors of one group permission to edit content created by their group member.

Subtree or node doesn't work because content is in one folder without any subfolders.

Sections doesn't work too because content is created in parent 's section by default. I can't assing edit permission to parent section, cuz other user will have perrmisions to edit too many content.

So I thought that I'll create sections inside folder, for every editor group, and then give them permissions to edit content in this sections. Unfortunately I can's see the way to assign given section to content automatically.

Unfortunately, there is not something like permission to edit any content which belongs to some group of users :(
