Forums / General / How to access attributes in an related object

How to access attributes in an related object

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Haroon Azizpour

Friday 21 November 2003 10:46:40 am

I hope this question wasn't asked and solved already, I've looked throught the forum and didn't find it..

I have created two custom classes. The first one has an attribute of type "Object Relation" (called info) that points to the second custom class.
In the full view for the first custom class, I would like to display some attributes of the second class, too. How do I do it?
If I access normal attributes of the first class like this e.g.:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.title}

Do I have to access attributes of the second class like this?
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$}

Thanks in advance for your help.