Forums / General / How fast should eZ Publish be...

How fast should eZ Publish be...

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Sebastian Picklum

Saturday 28 January 2006 7:00:24 am

...on a shared hosting account which is advertised as an "eZ Publish Hosting" account?

With all caches on, I get a total script running time of about 0,4 to 0,6 (in some cases 1,75) secs for the "plain_user" demo with every feature enabled. Is this okay or do I have to complain?



Gabriel Ambuehl

Saturday 28 January 2006 1:23:15 pm

If the host doesnt use a PHP accelerator (which IMHO it should for an ezpublish hosting deal but maybe that's just my opinion), that sounds about right. It's otherwise not all too bad either, I get about 0.2s on a dedicated box used only by myself and your box surely will be shared.


Sebastian Picklum

Saturday 28 January 2006 1:53:00 pm

Hi Gabriel!

Thanks for your information!

This is without a PHP-Accelerator as the hosting company runs PHP in CGI-Mode (very strange...). But 5 bucks for 12Gigs of eZp-driven Webspace is still a great deal though... :-)



Gabriel Ambuehl

Saturday 28 January 2006 2:00:28 pm

CGI mode helps with security if done right. And for that, 0.5s is actually fast ;)


Steph A

Sunday 29 January 2006 7:40:01 am

As Gabriel said - you should be very happy with 0,5 sec. I also had some sites running on shared servers, just as you. But I NEVER got under 1,5 sec loadtime. But if they advertise as "ez hosts" they really should be using a accelerator ... my opinion anyway :)

Im now running a dedicated server with php-accelerator...

AMD Sempron(tm) 2400+ (686-class CPU) 1666.49- MHz RAM: 239,94 MB

... loadtime is 0,14sec - and I pay 29 bucks a month :D

liu spider

Sunday 29 January 2006 11:02:06 pm

could you tell me where can I find the deal "5 bucks for 12Gigs of eZp-driven Webspace"

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Sebastian Picklum

Sunday 29 January 2006 11:23:17 pm

I could, but that would surely against the forum rules. But to tell you in advance: The are running <b>CGI</b> mode which requires some tweaking of eZ Publish to get all features up and running. e.g. the WebDAV-Server doesn't work in standard CGI setups.

