Forums / General / how do I publish an article once approved

how do I publish an article once approved

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steven mandel

Wednesday 25 June 2003 8:47:00 am

Hi All,

I followed the documentation to create a workflow for the approval process. I had user1 create an article that had to be approved by user2 .
I had user2 approve the article. Then user1 went back to collaboration and I get the following message

The content object New Article was approved and will be published once the publishing workflow continues.

How do I get the publishing workflow to contine ?

Also can I have it contined but set to appear at a later date ?


Steve Mandel

Tony Wood

Thursday 26 June 2003 12:58:20 am


Have you run the workflow cron?

php -C runcronjobs.php

This command publishes all approved documents, amongst other things.

I hope this helps


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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steven mandel

Thursday 26 June 2003 8:01:08 am

Thanks Tony,

We tried that but nothing happened - we still get the same message when I go to the messages of user1 .


Tony Wood

Friday 27 June 2003 7:11:06 am

What version of eZ are you using?

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

Power to the Editor!

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steven mandel

Friday 27 June 2003 3:17:14 pm

Hi Tony,

ez3 on a windows box ( we are using the demo system )



Mandy Fiks

Wednesday 29 June 2005 11:47:46 pm

hope someone can help. I ahve the same problem. we are using eZ 3.5.2 and try to impelment a workflow for approving articles ( a user's artcile can't be published without approval from the admin). we got the approve to work, but once approved the artcile still doesn't get published. we ran the runcronjobs.php but nopthing changed.

can anyone help?


Nathan Kelly

Tuesday 20 September 2005 7:58:31 pm

I'm having the same problem with 3.6 on a linux box.

I have run cronjobs etc but the workflow seems to be halted for no reason? My objects say they have been approved (which they have) in my colaboration inbox but they are not being published?

Has anyone figured this out?


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Nathan Kelly

Thursday 22 September 2005 12:58:43 am

Hi, I just thought I should mention that I'm using this method to run cron jobs:

I have placed this in my index.php file:

  include_once( 'kernel/classes/notification/eznotificationeventfilter.php' );

The reason for this is that I have found no other way as of yet to run cron jobs successfully...

I'm able to receive notifications using this method so why can't I publish approved objects?

I really need help with this, also note command lines are not an option as the client will not have access (or know how) to use command lines (nor should they, this is a CMS?).

Any help is good, Cheers!

Pardon me while I burst into flames...