Forums / General / Hosting - a report

Hosting - a report

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Kristoffer Raun

Monday 18 December 2006 8:23:32 am

Hi All
this is not a question, but a report.

We have in the last 1 1/2 year had a hosting company situated in Denmark, (Danhost A/S) to host our EZPublish site.
I was at the beginning rather green in this area, and after a lot of work, I uploaded our new site to their servers. But it was running very very slow.
I did some optimization, ran through all post about speedoptimization, and it helped a bit but not enough. Still we got 10-20 seconds (minimum) loadtime for each page with cache turned on. When doing work on the page, the admininterface was painstaking slow. Sometimes even just stopping.
After a couple of month, the hosting company had to do some work on the server and - Deleted our whole site! I was abroad, and backup wasn't carried out from the responsible person (my boss ;-) ), so I had to redo the whole thing again, rather than turning to a old backup. I also did this with the hope of getting the site faster.
It helped a bit, but not much. My boss was a bit irritated, since it could also be me that screwed up somewhere, and thus making the site slow....

So 1 month ago I searched on this forum for a host, that had knowledge about EzPublish, and the hosting company WebDeal came up. They are Silver Partner, so a solid choice I thought.
There I tried their EZ- Demo-hosting account, and installed my page easily. The small problems I had was quickly fixed with some guidance by Webdeal.
And when I the first timed cleared cache and typed in our website address, it said woosh - and the page was there within 1 sec. Hmmm - that was nice. Woops - I had deleted the cache, but had forgotten to turn on the cache in the siteini.
When that was done, I tried once more, and woooosssssss, the first time a bit slow (2 sec....), but the second time was marvelous! Extremely fast.

All that time on trying to tune the site was wasted, and I should from the start have chosen a more professional host than Danhost. Ok we pay like 8 times more, but still it's worth it, both towards our costumers, and the time I waste sitting in front of a slow website trying to make changes to the design etc.
So for you persons out there, don't waste your precious time on slow hosting and turn to one of the EZ-partners. It seems that they know what they are doing!

Just for your information, I have no economical interest in Webdeal, This is just a - "This was my experience"-post. And I'm so happy and thrilled that I finally got everything up and running at a nice speed... YYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS ;-)

best regards
Kristoffer Raun

<i>If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.</i>
W. Edwards Deming

Xavier Dutoit

Monday 18 December 2006 4:44:32 pm


I'm hosting ez sites on my own server (would prefer having more than 1Gb, but sub sec results). I've tried before that to have hosted (hopeless) or virtual dedicated (virtually hopeless).

Nowing what runs on your server makes a huge difference indeed.
