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Great Conference

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Magne Zachrisen

Sunday 24 August 2003 6:38:19 am

Just home from the eZ summer conference. I had a great time and met alot of nice people. Overall, it was an excellent arrangement. Already Looking forward to eZ summer conference 2004 :-)

Took alot of snapshots too, going to post them on my web page ( when I get eZ 3.2 with webdav installed

Lesson learnt: Avoid eZJo's homemade eZBailey's (it's evil)

Cheers! :-) Magne

System Developer | eZ Systems |

Thomas Lomsdal

Sunday 24 August 2003 11:30:23 pm

Hi all!
Great Magne, look forward to see the pictures.

Yes, the seminar was great. Thanks to all for making this seminar to a great experience.

Lesson learnt: I know less PHP than I thought. Oh well, back to programming :/

Thomas :)

Jakob Vad Nielsen

Sunday 24 August 2003 11:49:47 pm

I also think this was a great conference. It really took me by suprise that people joined from all over Europe, and even Africa.
It's so inspiring to talk to people from other places than Norway. This way I really feel the size which this project has grown into.

I'm looking forward to see all the images that will be posted soon.

Lesson learnt: I feel like a programming newbie when I look at the demo on (Man!, these guys knows what they're doing)

Denis Brækhus

Monday 25 August 2003 12:52:44 am

Agreed, the conference was a hit :)
The eZBaileys and eZCoffee made my head spin a bit for sure, ehm ..

Also like Jacob says it was great to get a feel for the distribution of eZ Users around, nice to meet so many people, using eZ for so many different things..

:) denis

Tony Wood

Monday 25 August 2003 1:59:26 am

I agree, it was a great conference. Its nice to put a face to people I only speak to in text.
There was such a large amount of experience out there and by talking to people at the conference I can see that one of the great strengths of eZ publish is people dedication and willingness to share and exchange ideas.

I look forward to the picture and some of the comments and ideas of the conference showing themselve in eZ publish 3.3.

The eZ Baileys is a killer, but so was the Chocski mixture... ouch my head still hurts :)

I look forward to the 2004 conference.


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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Jo Henrik Endrerud

Monday 25 August 2003 2:29:38 am

The conference was great. It was very nice meeting so many of the great people we are working with each day. eZBailey's, Chocski and Iceshcki were all great successes, maybe I'll post the recipes one day (if I remember how I made them :) )
I hope I see you all again at the eZ publish Summer Conference 2004

Jo Henrik Endrerud | System Developer @ Seeds Consulting |

Bjørn Kaarstein

Monday 25 August 2003 5:56:42 am

The conference was indeed great, and I'm already looking forward to next year.

Sten: Please remove the Manfred Mann single from the jukebox, and hide it a place where Jo Henrik can't reach it :)

Tony: I expect you to polish your dart skills until next year :)

ezCrew: Great job!

Great meeting you all, and see you next year!

Regards Bjørn

Hapee de Groot

Monday 25 August 2003 7:01:39 am

Agree with all, it was a great conference. A good way to get to know eZ systems, eZ publish 3, eZ crew, the eZ community and not forget eZ Norway. It is a beautiful country but I do understand why a product as eZ publish 3 comes from there ;-)

Next year in Winter?

Wilfried Fox

Monday 25 August 2003 12:04:03 pm

Well, nothing to add.... it WAS great!

cu all next winter!?


Claus Jensen

Tuesday 26 August 2003 4:17:23 am

Cheers and thanks for a great conference to all. Got some new ideas, and also put faces on mailadresses. But where did the ezGirls go? ;)

Go ez!

claÜs and Geir

Sten Thorstensen

Tuesday 26 August 2003 9:23:01 am

Firt of all, thank you guys and girls so much for coming to the first eZ publish summer conference ever :) It surely became a success and we're allready talked about the next years eZ publish conference, either it'll be during the summer or in the winter.

Bjørn: Next year we thought we could gather the rest of Manfred Manns Earthband and have them to play live during the whole conference? Wouldn't that be a great idea?

Again, thank you and hope I'll see you all again, at leat next year!
