Forums / General / Good idea to upgrade form 3.2.4 to 3.3.1?

Good idea to upgrade form 3.2.4 to 3.3.1?

Author Message

Shurbann Martes

Tuesday 23 December 2003 8:42:14 am

Is it a good idea to upgrade my site to 3.3.. This site is already in production that's why I'm asking.

Marco Zinn

Tuesday 23 December 2003 8:44:13 am

Counter-question ;) :
Do you need the new features?


Shurbann Martes

Tuesday 23 December 2003 8:56:44 am

Well.... I need the RSS import/export feature.
and the Enhanced information collection feature (poll)

And I'm thinking ahead for in the future. I guesss in the future releases of 3.3.x there will be alot of changes :). And probbably they will stop working on the 3.2.x branch.

So I'm wondering if it's smart to upgrade now.. or later.
I have a feeling this is a decision I have to make on my own.... but it's good to get some ideas

Marco Zinn

Tuesday 23 December 2003 1:58:48 pm

Well, some things, that could help you:
If ezSystem will follow their "release strategy", you will not see any new features in the 3.3-x release. I think, the next new features will be in 3.4. In the past, ez had 3-months release cycles between those releases.
The next 3.3-releases will probably just be bugfixes (follow-up-releases) for the 3.3 final (="3.3-1" ). This was the case in 3.2 and I think 3.1 and 3.0.
If you need the RSS and PDF features, you must update to 3.3-x at some moment, as they will surely not backport this to 3.2.
In 3.2, there were quite a lot of bugfixes after the final release, but I think, the quality-assurance process for 3.3 was, is and will be better.
Nontheless, you should first test a release (like 3.3) quite some time on your own servers and with your own data, before you upgrade (and report any bugs you find, of course ;) ).
I suggest, that you do a 3.3 installation on some non-production server, so you can test upgrading from 3.2, usage, functionality and security. When you are satisfied are you MUST use the new features in production, you should upgrade to 3.3 on your production.

In short: Upgrade when you really need it and when you did your testing, but don't just upgrade because of a version number ;)
