Forums / General / General template conceptual and process tutorial

General template conceptual and process tutorial

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Sol Millin

Monday 14 April 2003 1:26:33 am

Can I find this? (apart from what's currently in the manual and sdk).

What would be great is a 'top down' architectual view of how ez3 assembles and processes an output page...

Just psuedo code... nothing too deep.

Also definitions including ez template tags, eg. 'section' which seems to have two meanings...

section in admin is a major part of a site as selected by main menu button (eg demo site sections)

section in templates appears to be a section of output on the constructed html page.

Then a few real examples would be great, perhaps keyed to the demo site.

We could then become much more effective.

With thanks,

Sol Millin
byron bay

Karsten Jennissen

Monday 14 April 2003 5:34:09 am

As for your first question, I don't quite see the admin use for a technical run down on how ez publish creates a page. But if the ez crew finds the time?!

Well, you are right about the term section. Site sections are used for design switching and permission control. The template function (operator?) section is used for various tasks in the control of the templates.

Find some more info on templates here:

There is an overview over all template functions in the sdk (linked from the above).


Jan Borsodi

Monday 14 April 2003 7:11:21 am

An overview of the template process is interesting but at the moment we don't have the time for this to make the 3.1 release.
We can look at this for later 3.x releases.



Paul Borgermans

Monday 14 April 2003 9:51:07 am

>What would be great is a 'top down' architectual view of how ez3 assembles and processes an output page...

Right. Rumours from our internal devel team suggest lots of things come from the ezhttp persistent object class.

But it is not yet clear to us either.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Sol Millin

Monday 14 April 2003 2:44:42 pm

Thanks guys...

I really appreciate the feedback.

... and also your patience with someone struggle to get to grips with ez3 concepts...

As I have ez3 setup I cannot access parts of the sdk locally eg.


but I have been told this will be tidied up in 3.1

Luckily I've got ADSL to!