Thursday 11 September 2003 11:32:09 am
Hi! I have a Folder class and a template that should display a link for each item in it. It is not working, though. Here's the view/full template for Folder: {* Folder template *}
{default with_children=true()} {default content_version=$node.contentobject_version_object}
<p class="psubtitle">{$|wash}</p>
<p class="txt">
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$content_version.data_map.description} </p>
{section name=Child loop=fetch(content, list, hash(
parent_node_id, $node.node_id,
sort_by, $node.sort_array)}
{node_view_gui view=line content_node=$Child:item}
{/section} </ul>
{/let} {/default} Here's the view/line template for Info Page (the only type of items in the folder): {default content_object=$node.object content_version=$node.contentobject_version_object}
<a href="{$content_version.url_alias|ezurl}">{$}</a> {/default} I am using ezPublish 3.2 beta 2.