Thursday 25 August 2011 8:08:22 am
Hello All, I have a problem to fetch a template in a specific language on my cronjob. The situation is: A cronjob should generate template content in a specific language for each query. The cron is launched in the admin siteaccess(‘-sadmin’ option). So specifying another siteaccess in the command line is not an option. This task is used by several eZ Publish install going from 4.2 to 4.3. I tried to generate my template like this: $language_code=’fre-FR’; $tpl = templateInit(); $mytemplate = $tpl->fetch( ‘design:templatetogeneratewithI18n.tpl’ , array( ‘locale_code’ => $language_code ) ); But it didn’t work. Is it possible to specify a language in fetch()? Or can I change the siteaccess at runtime? Thanks!