Forums / General / ezpublish and SSO ...

ezpublish and SSO ...

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cg48 cg48

Wednesday 15 December 2004 7:15:43 am


I want to develop an intranet with ezpublish and I want to know if ezpublish propose a possibility of SSO (Single Sign On) ???

Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 15 December 2004 7:24:30 am

It is possible to have the share the user database between sites in a couple of different ways:
- you can use LDAP as your login handler for all your sites.
- you can export your users from one of the sites and import them to all the other sites that should share the users. The updates will be incremental of course. Only changes since the last update will be exported.

Keep in mind that in addition to the users you have permission (role) settings. If you want to share these between servers as well (not very likely) you will probably have to write a custom export/import.