Forums / General / ezp 3.2: news portal. how? please help as soon as possible.

ezp 3.2: news portal. how? please help as soon as possible.

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alt alt

Friday 26 September 2003 12:49:43 pm

I need to create site which collect (import) a lot of news articles (may be 100 per day) from others sites in and sort them in some categories (such as politics, finance and others). I must show on main page 3 description of newsarticles per category ( 3 descr. for politics, 3 descr. for fininance and so on). I must show this descriptions for latest articles in category. In categories' pages i must show all articles of the day or day before if I has not new articles today. I need easy navigation thru days, for ex http://site/finance/2003/09/27/article. All articles must have url to original site as attribute.

How i can do this??? How i can import so many newsarticles in automatic mode, because copy'n'paste by hands is too hard?
How i can shows 3 latest article in category with this (finance/2003/09/27/) folders organisation?


Alex Jones

Friday 26 September 2003 1:03:38 pm

You might want to see if you can grab RSS feeds from the news sites. If so, you could probably build a workflow to automatically pull the headlines into the system. I don't have the experience to tell you exactly how to do this, but I think it would be possible... There is a recent thread on one of the boards discussing automatic object creation via PHP which might prove insightful or inspiring.

Showing the three latest articles should be simple as all it requires is a standard fetch of items within a category sorted by published or modified date.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

alt alt

Friday 26 September 2003 10:47:19 pm

Does anyone know about import news and creation objects (incl. folders) in automatic mode a bit more? News will be imported most likely from text files. But it would be desirable to know as to import from RSS.

Please, show the right way to do this. (I would like to receive more than concrete advice, because I not so advanced user. Please help.)

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Monday 29 September 2003 7:17:30 am

RSS import and Export is planned for the 3.3 release . The implementation is almost finnished, and will be available as soon as we get public SVN up and running.

Kåre Høvik

alt alt

Monday 29 September 2003 11:06:44 pm

Whether it will be possible alteration for importation of text files of an any format? For example containing the information in lines of a kind: url | date | article?