Tuesday 15 December 2009 5:25:05 am
Exactly, where is the eZScript code, ez compile let many rows white when are the line of script. Example, in top of pagelayout,tpl {def $_AAA = fetch('content','list',hash('parent_node_id',2))} {foreach $_AAA as $_element) {$_element.name|wash()} {/foreach} ....html code .... the compile result will be 4 line white and follow html code... The only way that I found to resolve this problem, was be a bash script that is
echo "Compmpress tpl "$1
cat $1 | tr -d "\n" > $1.1
cat $1.1 | tr -d "\t" > $1.2
rm $1.1
mv $1 $1.bak
mv $1.2 $1 echo "Save file "$1.bak that remove \n and \t from orginal tpl and save the backup. I think will make an extension for this. :) But if there is another way, please, tell me.