Forums / General / ez Publish caching problems...

ez Publish caching problems...

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Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 29 June 2005 2:40:42 am

Can you paste your configuration settings from your siteaccess for file content.ini.append.php?

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 29 June 2005 2:52:00 am

Yes here is my [siteaccess] content.ini.append.php


On that note, what is the difference between content.ini.append.php and content.ini.append.php~ ? As the AvailableSiteDesignList[]=admin is only in the later (.php~) and not actually in the (.php), could this be a problem?

EDIT: All four accesses are displayed in the admin interface too.

Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 29 June 2005 2:58:06 am

OK, and what are your settings from site.ini.append.php files for your siteaccess?

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 29 June 2005 3:01:40 am

here it is:


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 29 June 2005 4:30:42 am

Does both the user and admin page use the same vardir?
(See <i>VarDir</i> in <i>site.ini</i>)

Also make sure <i>AvailableSiteDesignList</i> i setup to contain all the designs for the user and admin site in the <i>admin<i> siteaccess, and all the user designs in the <i>user</i> siteaccess.



Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 29 June 2005 6:11:04 pm

Yes I have checked all of these things numerous times but it still wont clear. I have installed another copy of 3.5.0 on my local server to test (windows server) and it all works to some extent.

After three clicks of the clear cache button in admin the cache folders are finally cleared. It still does not work perfectly as I said it takes a few attempts to clear all of the cache but it seems to get there in the end...

I have cross-referenced as many settings as I could between the two installs to find any discrepancies, but I have not found anything significantly different (though working into the early hours of the morning I may have overlooked something).

I think I'm left with only one option and that is to completely re-install the whole package, I have been working on this for over one week now with no success. I didn't want to have to re-install as I have spent a considerable amount of time setting up various areas of the site, but I just cant see this problem going away without doing so.

I will however wait until I have consulted a professional about this situation before I do anything of that nature, unfortunately that is going to cost me even more time and money, and the piggy bank is drying up.

This issue has been a major thorn in my side as it has slowed my development to a crawl and if the problem still persists after a re-install I might just jump off a cliff... well nothing that drastic but you see how I feel? I am happy with the system as a whole but this is letting down its performance.

Anyway thankyou all very much for the suggestions offered but nothing has worked to date so I think I'll leave it to the pro's to see if they can fix it, as it seems pointless for me to waist anymore of my valuable time on it at this stage.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...